LSRP Services

LSRP Consulting helps its clients bring remediation cases to a close. We provide LSRP services for:

  • Site Remediation cases, including Industrial Site Remediation Act (ISRA) and Underground Storage Tank (UST) sites
  • Child Care Centers, Direct Oversight sites, and Conflict Resolution
  • Litigation Support
  • Due Diligence

We can assess your current environmental concerns and develop a plan to meet your remediation objectives. This includes determining:

  • where the case is in the remediation process,
  • what regulatory and mandatory timeframes apply,
  • what is needed to complete remediation,
  • how long it will take to finish, and
  • what is necessary after remediation is complete.

We provide a smooth transition into the LSRP Program, with practical application of regulations and professional judgment to progress cases and manage your environmental portfolio. With intimate knowledge of NJDEP standards, regulations and technical guidance, LSRP Consulting can help stalled cases reach conclusion or new cases needing resolution. Maintaining protection to public health and the environment is paramount in the design of any remediation plan, and LSRP Consulting will combine the remediation goals of each stakeholder into a predictable and steady approach toward completion.

Services are performed by LSRPs who have been licensed since 2009, when the program was initiated in New Jersey. We have performed, supervised and approved site remediation activities, including Preliminary Assessments, site investigations, remedial investigations and remedial actions at numerous industrial, commercial, residential, Brownfield, retail gasoline and petroleum bulk storage sites. Our background includes Industrial Site Remediation Act (ISRA) cases, as well as sites with specific Areas of Concern requiring remediation.